
スマイリーフェース [ファッション]

スマイリーフェース1.jpg スマイリーフェース。スマイリーやニコちゃんマーク、スマイルマークなどという名前でも呼ばれていたよね。黄色い円に笑顔の描かれたシンプルなデザインなんだけど、日本では昭和46年(1971)にサンスター文具が缶バッジを発売して大ブレークしたよね。ぼんくら少年も大好きで、缶バッジはもちろん、下敷きやミニ定規なんかもスマイリー入りのものを買って使ってたよ。
スマイリーフェース2.jpg このスマイリーフェースがいつ、誰によって考案されたのかは諸説あるんだけど、昭和38年(1963)にアメリカの商業美術家であるハーベイ・ボールがデザインしたものだということでとりあえず一件落着しているようだ。平成8年(1996)、ボールのお膝元であるマサチューセッツ州ウースター市によってスマイリーフェースのボール考案説が公認され、平成11年(1999)にはアメリカの郵政公社の記念切手としてスマイリーフェースが採用されたことによって、事実上、アメリカがボールを生みの親として公認する形となった。なんともアメリカらしい強引な政治決着のような気がして、ぼんくらオヤジとしては頭が痒くなるような思いだけどね(笑)。
スマイリーフェース3.jpg ハーベイ・ボールが亡くなった平成13年(2001)には、息子が会長となってハーベイ・ボール・ワールド・スマイル財団なるものが設立されて、スマイリーフェースを世界平和の礎にするためのボランティア活動を展開しているらしい。日本支部なるものもあって、周富徳氏やサトウサンペイ、山田隆夫、柴俊夫などの有名人が「名誉スマイル大使」なるメンバーとして名を連ねてるんだけど、サイトの説明を何度読んでも、いまひとつ、何をしてるのかが分からない。これは私感だけど、これはどうもスマイリーフェースの著作権を世界的に確立するのが主たる目的のような気がする。財団以外にも著作権を主張している会社や個人はひとつやふたつじゃないからね。
 70年代に "Love & Peace" の象徴だったスマイリーフェースは、もはや著作権ビジネスの胡散臭さを物語るシンボルに様変わりしてしまった。相変わらず可愛らしいまんまなのにねぇ^^;

■月と木星、金星が作り出した壮大なスマイリー 2008年■

■花火が作り出したスマイリー 長岡の花火大会ですね♪ 2007年■

nice!(27)  コメント(139)  トラックバック(0) 

nice! 27

コメント 139


by わか (2010-01-19 16:44) 


by ケセパタちゃん (2010-01-19 17:53) 


by VooDoo-Boogie (2010-01-19 17:59) 


by みゆきママちゃん (2010-01-19 18:55) 


by Milu (2010-01-19 19:36) 


ピース・マークと呼んでましたねぇ・・・でも、著作権がらみで もめているなんてピースな話じゃありませんね。(^^;
by びっけ (2010-01-19 20:28) 




by やなぎはっか (2010-01-19 21:08) 


by 課長 (2010-01-19 21:56) 


by みおのとおちゃん (2010-01-19 22:08) 


by やっくんたっくんのパパ (2010-01-19 22:08) 



by Sakura (2010-01-19 23:30) 


by o_hiro (2010-01-20 00:15) 


by tateichi_m (2010-01-20 00:39) 


by 牛子 (2010-01-20 02:28) 


長年愛されてますよね~♪ ヾ(^▼^*)ノ

by ダー (2010-01-20 08:10) 


[メール]わかさん、貴重な情報をありがとうございました! ところで見つけた灰皿は古いものですか? それとも新型ですか? そのうちおみくじを引く機会があったら、どんな占いだったか教えてくださいね(笑)
by ぼんくらオヤジ (2010-01-20 12:05) 


[メール]ケセパタちゃんさんはニコちゃんマークっていってましたか^^ 思い出したら何にマークが付いてか教えてください♪ 著作権があやふやなのをいいことに当時のメーカーはいいように使っていたので、情報が多いほど助かるんです。
by ぼんくらオヤジ (2010-01-20 12:05) 


by ぼんくらオヤジ (2010-01-20 12:05) 


by ぼんくらオヤジ (2010-01-20 12:06) 


[メール]Miluさん、アイ・ラブ・ニコちゃんですか^^ 気持ちがよく分かるなぁ! あのマーク、一目惚れしちゃうんですよね。笑顔で射貫かれちゃうっていうか(笑)。そうそう、シールもいろんなサイズのを売ってましたね♪
by ぼんくらオヤジ (2010-01-20 12:06) 


by ぼんくらオヤジ (2010-01-20 12:06) 


[メール]やなぎはっかさん、よく打ち上げ花火であんな芸当ができますよね、驚きです! 天体ショーのスマイリーフェース、あれをスマイリーフェースを意図するような形で商売に使うと、著作権が確定しなくとも申請さえしていれば、使用権料を請求することは法的にできるようです。お~嫌だイヤだ!
by ぼんくらオヤジ (2010-01-20 12:06) 


[メール]課長さんのお子さんも缶バッジを持ってますか! ぼんくら次男と一緒だ(笑)。そうそう、なんでもそうですがシンプル・イズ・ベストですねぇ! 頭の作り以外は、きゃはははは!
by ぼんくらオヤジ (2010-01-20 12:07) 


[メール]みおのとおちゃん、そりゃヒドいや^^; Love & Peaceなのになぁ。でも確かに髪縛りやピンにスマイリーがついてるのがよくありましたね! 6年生の時のガールフレンドからスマイリーの顔をしたひまわりのデコレがついた髪ピンをもらったことがあるので覚えています♪
by ぼんくらオヤジ (2010-01-20 12:07) 


[メール]やっくんたっくんのパパさん、よく覚えてましたねぇ! 仰る通りで、当時のメーカーは我流のスマイリーを量産してましたから、よく見るとビミョーに表情が違っているんですが、いちばん口元で違いが分かったようですね。名前がいろいろあるのも各社が勝手に名前を付けちゃったからですし、名前が違えばデザインも違うというのは本当だったんです。また子どもの頃って、そういう違いが大人以上に分かるんですよね。下手すりゃ、ピースマークがもとで大げんかになりかねませんでした(笑)
by ぼんくらオヤジ (2010-01-20 12:07) 


[メール]Sakuraさんは親子でニコちゃんの流行期にぶつかったんですね^^ 昭和の頃は「流行は10年サイクル」と言われてましたが、平成に入ってからはどうなんでしょうね?
by ぼんくらオヤジ (2010-01-20 12:08) 


[メール]o_hiroさん、趣味が合いますねぇ(笑)。映画の『エボリューション』に出てきたスマイリーは目が三つありませんでしたっけ? アイヴァン・ライトマン監督の作品は大好きなのに、これは観てないなぁ。面白い作品なんですよねぇ。後でTSUTAYAで探してきます♪
by ぼんくらオヤジ (2010-01-20 12:08) 


by ぼんくらオヤジ (2010-01-20 12:08) 


[メール]牛子さん、スマイルマークの付いてたグッズは決して安くありませんでしたよね^^; スマイリーファンのぼんくら少年も、これには苦労させられました。今の子達みたいにお小遣いが多いわけでもなけりゃ、こんなキャラクターものは贅沢品扱いで、まず買ってもらえませんでしたから(泣)。それだけに、大人になっても尚、思い入れが強いのかもしれませんね♪
by ぼんくらオヤジ (2010-01-20 12:09) 


by ぼんくらオヤジ (2010-01-20 12:09) 


by ぺんちゃん (2010-01-20 15:13) 


[メール]ぺんちゃん、そうでしたねぇ! ところ構わず(ってのはぼんくらだけか^^;)描いてましたね。なにせ誰でも描けるデザインでしたからねぇ♪ 
by ぼんくらオヤジ (2010-01-20 16:22) 


by たろす (2010-01-20 16:54) 


[メール]たろすさん、こういう話題、友達とギャーギャー議論しませんでしたか? 根拠もなんもないんだけど、熱中していくうちにいろんな妄想が頭をもたげて、終いにゃ無いこと無いことが激突してそれは訳の分からない結論に達したりするんですよね(笑) その時に頭に刷り込まれた情報が結構、大人になっても生きてて恥ずかしい思いをすることもあるんですが^^;;;
by ぼんくらオヤジ (2010-01-21 17:59) 

ray ban on sale

The moment I saw this picture my first thought is Strom has a hard on, because there’s a BLACK man with a WHITE woman. We all know that your ARYAN radar goes off and you pre ejaculate on yourself.
by ray ban on sale (2013-05-19 16:36) 

ray ban outlet stores

Well, I did start with 1000 for the personal “tax cut.” But when it comes to the government doing spening, 1000.00 dollars isn’t even worth fetching out of the Concord Couch Cushions.
by ray ban outlet stores (2013-06-29 06:21) 

Celine 財布

なぜそんなに多くの人々は、それが名誉会長は栄光に座って、弾丸の意見雹に立ち向かいても構わないと思っている指定された理由のために雪マンチレビュー - お金。 [url=]Celine 財布[/url] <a href="" title="Celine 財布">Celine 財布</a>
by Celine 財布 (2013-07-04 01:30) 

プラダ アウトレット

€ヤンカイに "ヨークуバイ寧推奨€例えば、アンモニア仏教徒ゆうチェンチタン小扁損失爆発キーカイスリップフアン€ラオ♀€Gehu、タタリノミ徐福鍋ガス€JiqingチェーンH薄い彼らはスリップしながら - 翁化学建今すぐ爆撃器官が棺ハーコート€郭€効率を45割り当て分。 [url=]プラダ アウトレット[/url] <a href="" title="プラダ アウトレット">プラダ アウトレット</a>
by プラダ アウトレット (2013-07-04 01:31) 


POWERLAND現代女性の価値観の再解釈は、その女性は尊敬のようなものが飾られ、任意のを見ている、の本当の美しさ、つまり自己存在です。 [url=]クリスチャンルブタン[/url] <a href="" title="クリスチャンルブタン">クリスチャンルブタン</a>
by クリスチャンルブタン (2013-07-04 01:31) 

バレンシアガ バッグ

"家賃収集賃料を通じて非農業開発のための農村集団土地は "地方政府は、計画スキームで建設用地の規模を拡大することを可能にする手段として、に切り替えて、土地取得の承認する法定農地を回避するために参照し、実行を回避耕地のバランスの義務は "トランスジェンダー"耕地の高い循環を売る正当性を置くと滑らかな "変化"が国有建設用地ですレポーターの調査では、耕地から国有建設用地への転換を発見プロセスの商業開発で、村の委員会の後、町の政府、郡の土地部門は、以下の5ヶ月続いた "包装"の郡政府層は。 [url=]バレンシアガ バッグ[/url] <a href="" title="バレンシアガ バッグ">バレンシアガ バッグ</a>
by バレンシアガ バッグ (2013-07-04 01:31) 

セリーヌ 財布

これは、エルメス、成長のパフォーマンスを高めるために、この機会を活用する方法を見ていることが理解される。 [url=]セリーヌ 財布[/url] <a href="" title="セリーヌ 財布">セリーヌ 財布</a>
by セリーヌ 財布 (2013-07-04 01:32) 

セリーヌ バッグ

"の傾向のようなものといえば、黄亜洲リコールは今助けることはできませんが、笑顔"杭州の川がたくさんあり​​、私たちは学校の裏書パッケージに行くには、橋の多くを通過しますカートの前に橋を見、誰もが私たちの赤いスカーフに感謝習得、エンドマスター残りをプッシュ助けるために殺到します、我々は非常に戻って、日記に書くことを嬉しくなる。 [url=]セリーヌ バッグ[/url] <a href="" title="セリーヌ バッグ">セリーヌ バッグ</a>
by セリーヌ バッグ (2013-07-04 01:32) 

Celine バッグ

2012新しいショルダーバッグファッションレジャーすべてショルダーバッグ[図]を推奨 [url=]Celine バッグ[/url] <a href="" title="Celine バッグ">Celine バッグ</a>
by Celine バッグ (2013-07-04 01:32) 

セリーヌ 財布

レア:珍しい世界の起源、金よりも希少な30倍。 [url=]セリーヌ 財布[/url] <a href="" title="セリーヌ 財布">セリーヌ 財布</a>
by セリーヌ 財布 (2013-07-04 01:33) 

Accessories For Shoes

Wow! This can be one of the most useful blogs we have ever come across on thesubject. Actually wonderful info! I’m also a specialist in this topic therefore I can understand your effort.
by Accessories For Shoes (2013-07-23 23:20) 

ミュウミュウ 財布

オスマン、あなたはそれを "大恐慌のドレス"を呼び出すことはできません、私は抗議しない。
by ミュウミュウ 財布 (2013-07-25 02:11) 

エルメス バッグ

by エルメス バッグ (2013-07-25 02:11) 

ミュウミュウ 靴

by ミュウミュウ 靴 (2013-07-25 02:11) 

セリーヌ バッグ 新作 2013

by セリーヌ バッグ 新作 2013 (2013-07-25 02:11) 

クロエ 財布

3.5インチスクリーン、800MHzのCPU、アンドロイド2.3オペレーティングシステム;の1500mAh大容量バッテリー、5万画素カメラ、LGonスクリーン電話; DLNALG E510は、あなたのファッションのラベルをパーソナライズ。
by クロエ 財布 (2013-07-25 02:12) 


One more thing that I desire to share at this time is that, doesn’t matter what you are using free blogging service however if you don’t update your website on on a regular basis basis then it’s no more worth.
by Alexandra (2013-07-26 15:42) 

&#12486;&#12451;&#12501;&#12449;&#12491;&#12540; &#12493;&#12483;&#12463;&#12524;&#12473;

1955 ladymaticウォッチ自動的にリスト上の女性R&Dで生まれたので、それだけではなく、デザインで非常にシックでエレガントなだけでなく、コアのムーブメントを搭載同軸脱進装置であり、性能が優れています。 &#12486;&#12451;&#12501;&#12449;&#12491;&#12540; &#12493;&#12483;&#12463;&#12524;&#12473;
by &#12486;&#12451;&#12501;&#12449;&#12491;&#12540; &#12493;&#12483;&#12463;&#12524;&#12473; (2013-07-27 16:14) 

&#12463;&#12525;&#12456; &#12461;&#12540;&#12465;&#12540;&#12473;

北京や他の都市には、いくつかの専門のラジオ局を確立している最新の交通情報を放送しますが、それでも2010年にはそのような二週間までのように、混雑の出現を防ぐことはできません、包括的なブロック、2012年中秋節の渋滞。 &#12463;&#12525;&#12456; &#12461;&#12540;&#12465;&#12540;&#12473;
by &#12463;&#12525;&#12456; &#12461;&#12540;&#12465;&#12540;&#12473; (2013-07-27 16:14) 

&#12456;&#12523;&#12513;&#12473; &#12502;&#12524;&#12473;&#12524;&#12483;&#12488;

ストックホルムが完全に見渡せる過去50年間に発生した変更は、国際的な文化イベント、エンターテイメントセンター、ショッピング天国どこでも、ヨーロッパ最大の街、ストックホルムから世界中から観光客を集めて、様々なヨーロッパの中で最小の大都市となった。 &#12456;&#12523;&#12513;&#12473; &#12502;&#12524;&#12473;&#12524;&#12483;&#12488;
by &#12456;&#12523;&#12513;&#12473; &#12502;&#12524;&#12473;&#12524;&#12483;&#12488; (2013-07-27 16:15) 

&#12511;&#12517;&#12454;&#12511;&#12517;&#12454; &#12509;&#12540;&#12481;

提案と:女性はブーツを購入するときにブーツの3つの要素を持つ脚カットに取り付ける黒、ハイヒールは、長さに関わらず、スカートパンツであるかどうか、、その野生の十分の、最初の選択肢でなければなりませんので、よく解釈することができます強いセクシーな態度の種類。 &#12511;&#12517;&#12454;&#12511;&#12517;&#12454; &#12509;&#12540;&#12481;
by &#12511;&#12517;&#12454;&#12511;&#12517;&#12454; &#12509;&#12540;&#12481; (2013-07-27 16:15) 

&#12486;&#12451;&#12501;&#12449;&#12491;&#12540; &#12502;&#12524;&#12473;&#12524;&#12483;&#12488;

借り流動人口の管理責任が90%以上を締結しました;ず、レンタル年間リース紛争は発生しません。 &#12486;&#12451;&#12501;&#12449;&#12491;&#12540; &#12502;&#12524;&#12473;&#12524;&#12483;&#12488;
by &#12486;&#12451;&#12501;&#12449;&#12491;&#12540; &#12502;&#12524;&#12473;&#12524;&#12483;&#12488; (2013-07-29 19:48) 

&#12472;&#12511;&#12540;&#12481;&#12517;&#12454; &#36001;&#24067;

HTTP:RMB 8930元、上海、8350元、広州が宛先の異なる価格、詳細および条件に従って9180元(税別)から始まるの北京開始価格は、インドネシア航空ウェブサイトのプロモーションページをクリックしてください: / /キャンペーン:すべての包括的な特別な賢い選択リターン赤目飛行厳しいガルーダ·インドネシアは、往復のエコノミークラス、ビジネスクラスの選択のすべての包括的な運賃選択でこの特別な外出を立ち上げました。 &#12472;&#12511;&#12540;&#12481;&#12517;&#12454; &#36001;&#24067;
by &#12472;&#12511;&#12540;&#12481;&#12517;&#12454; &#36001;&#24067; (2013-07-29 19:48) 

&#12523;&#12502;&#12479;&#12531; &#38772;

我々は関係なく、スタイルの種類、あなたのクリスマスディナーの予算で見つけることができ、あなたのためにオーダーメイド。 &#12523;&#12502;&#12479;&#12531; &#38772;
by &#12523;&#12502;&#12479;&#12531; &#38772; (2013-07-29 19:48) 

&#12491;&#12517;&#12540;&#12496;&#12521;&#12531;&#12473; &#12473;&#12491;&#12540;&#12459;&#12540;

ミラノの展示会場では、青が鮮やかなコバルトブルーと群青、そのようなライトグリーン、オレンジ相反する組み合わせなど、他の明るい色としてレンダリング。 &#12491;&#12517;&#12540;&#12496;&#12521;&#12531;&#12473; &#12473;&#12491;&#12540;&#12459;&#12540;
by &#12491;&#12517;&#12540;&#12496;&#12521;&#12531;&#12473; &#12473;&#12491;&#12540;&#12459;&#12540; (2013-07-29 19:48) 

&#12488;&#12512;&#12501;&#12457;&#12540;&#12489; &#30524;&#37857;

2008年秋と近づく冬、様々なブランドもファッションTステーションを率いてどんなハンドバッグ要素のこの季節にハンドバッグの独自の秋と冬のシリーズを発売しているただ、あなたと08年秋と冬のハンドバッグのファッションの要素を共有しています。 &#12488;&#12512;&#12501;&#12457;&#12540;&#12489; &#30524;&#37857;
by &#12488;&#12512;&#12501;&#12457;&#12540;&#12489; &#30524;&#37857; (2013-07-29 19:49) 


Took me time for you to read all of the reviews, but I in reality enjoyed the piece. It proved to be very useful to me and I’m certain to all the commenters here! It’s always great when you are able to not only be informed, but also engaged! I’m certain you had enjoyable writing this write-up.
by バーバリー (2013-07-30 20:21) 

レペット バッグ レーズン

通常バイアグラ彼らはまたあなたのトピックでは、地元の科学者とadidasosey作業 990391BF5F728AFA を通じて、それがやっている方法が判明なぜ世界であなたが尋問出発することができます靴を<a href="" title="フェラガモ バッグ">フェラガモ バッグ</a>ミスを最小限にサポートしようとしている25、50および100 mg錠の用量になると、我々バイヤー研究の中核を得ることができ、これらの研究は、これまで形にとどまるために、ジャックラ 'レーンまたはリチャードシモンズのビデオに飛び出るに何が起こった最大の需要 との消費者へのadidasoseの大半ですか?樹皮からタンニンなめし という言葉につながった古代の技術の主な成分であった。 お電話でも対応いたします最強のクッショニングを誇る360(エア)ソールユニットと90年代後半の歴史的なスニーカーブームを牽引したナイキ<a href="" title="カルバンクライン 財布">カルバンクライン 財布</a>95のアッパーを融合させたハイブリッドスニーカー。 レペット バッグ レーズン
by レペット バッグ レーズン (2013-08-11 03:35) 

トムフォード サングラス

<a href=" ">ナイキランニングシューズ</a>が購入できる店
by トムフォード サングラス (2013-08-14 02:06) 

プラダ バッグ

種類豊富な<a href="">オメガ時計</a>だとしたら、ぜひお早目に:
by プラダ バッグ (2013-08-14 02:06) 

ヴィクトリアシークレット 水着

<a href="">トムフォード サングラス</a>新作勢揃い!
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<br>Still, hardly juicy gossip, is it?</p><p>She&rsquo;s been a source of fashion inspiration for years, and yesterday pulled off yet another winning look as she wrapped up against the winter chill in an oversized grey coat whilst out and about in Paris. <br><br>The supermodel was snapped as she made her way to L&rsquo;Avenue restaurant in the French capital wearing a head-to-toe grey look, consisting of a floor-length jersey dress, suede Christian Louboutin knee-high boots, a navy blue clutch and a large fluffy fur coat (faux, we hope, Kate).<br><br><br><br>The previous night, Kate headed to the Palais d&#039;I&eacute;na to party with the Parisians at a Prada bash held to coincide with . Kate rubbed shoulders with the likes of Diane Kruger, Salma Hayek and film director Roman Polanski at the private dinner and &rsquo;24h Museum&rsquo; party, where she turned DJ for the night too.<br><br>For her Prada styling, Kate wore a black cocktail dress, matching accessories, another large furry jacket and long blonde hair worn in loose waves.<br><br>In what has been a whirlwind week for Kate, she also attended a photocall in London as she was unveiled as the new face of Spanish high street store before heading to Paris.<br><br>What do you think of Kate&#039;s latest look? Do you like? Tell us in the comments box below.<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br></p><p>Britain&#039;s Missing Top Model winner kicked off an auction of celebrity shoes today, to help raise money for landmine victims.<br><br>The model found fame this year, after being picked by a panel of judges, including marie claire editor Marie O&#039;Riordan, as the winner of the BBC reality TV show.<br><br>Today she stepped out to launch the auction, which has seen 50 celebs donate their shoes, all in aid of the Mines Advisory Group (MAG), which raises funds for landmine victims.<br><br>MAG chief executive Lou McGrath commented, &#039;We are extremely honoured to have Kelly launch our show auction this year.<br><br>&#039;Despite being born without a left forearm, Kelly has proven disability is not a deterrent for success, she should be an inspiration to the many thousands of people who have been cruelly maimed by the thousands of landmines still threatening lives and communities worldwide.&#039;<br><br>Kelly posed today in East London with this outlandish pair of boots, which were custom-made by Prada for Spice Girl Geri Halliwell, while further donations came courtesy of Stella McCartney, Tony Blair and Russell Brand, amongst many others.<br><br>The auction kicks off today on eBay.<br><br></p><p> HAS been named as the new face of the fashion label Miu Miu.<br>
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by north face outlet store (2013-10-05 12:50) 

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<p>; @LKPE</p><p>&nbsp;</p>our editor recommendsDisney and Academy Extend Global Distribution Pact for OscarsJasmine Madatian Joins the Academy as Managing Director, CommunicationsAcademy's New Movie Museum Designers: 'Don't Call It a Museum' <p>The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences has sent out invitations to 176 artists and executives to join the organization. The new invitees range from such actors as Jessica Chastain, Matthew McConaughey and Andy Serkis to Oscar-winning director Michel Hazanavicius, Terrence Malick and Wong Kar Wai.</p>
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by the north face outlet (2013-10-05 12:53) 

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<p>Tfank, who&rsquo;s based in Los Angeles, got her start as a stylist &mdash; best known for Uma Thurman&rsquo;s game-changing lilac Prada gown at the Oscars in 1995 &mdash; and also worked as a costume designer before launching her own line in 2001. Her husband, Peter Markham, heads up the directing department at the American Film Institute. Tfank, who&rsquo;s currently working on a yet-to-be-titled film, compares staging a fashion show to working on set design for a movie: &quot;I decided to have the show in a setting that would actually be where people wearing these clothes would end up. &hellip; It&#39;s important to have the right set for the costumes. Of course, these are real life clothes, but I think this setting is perfect and it&rsquo;s art directed, propped and lit beautifully.&quot;</p><p>The star-studded 23rd Annual Palm Springs International Film Festival Awards Gala at the Palm Springs Convention Center on Saturday got a little -- how shall we put this -- colorful as the night wore on.</p>our editor recommendsPalm Springs Festival Attendee Rushed to HospitalBrad Pitt Reveals Why He Walked With a Cane at Palm Springs Film FestivalWhy the Palm Springs Film Festival Is an Awards Season Player
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by the north face outlet (2013-10-05 12:54) 

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<br>The Fashion for Relief catwalk fundraiser will take place on the last day of London Fashion Week, at the Natural History Museum. Lizzie Jagger and Leah Wood will also take to he runway for the event.</p><p><p>Ladies, if you&#039;ve ever looked at your other half and wished you could give him a fash-over, your prayers have been answered. has just announced the launch of a dedicated menswear site, Mr Porter.</p><p>Due to launch in January next year for the Spring/Summer 2011 season, the site will feature the kind of heavy-hitting brands and cool labels we&#039;ve come to expect from Net-a-Porter.</p><p>Designers on offer will include , , ,, and MR by .</p><p>Net a Porter&#039;s Natalie Massenet, who is celebrating the 10th anniversary of the company this year, explains: &#039;This is an incredibly exciting new venture for us and one we&#039;ve been planning for some time. 100% of Net a Porter customers have a man in their lives in some capacity and 59% are married or living with their partners. Additionally we look forward to welcoming a new group of super stylish men who join us to shop for themselves.&#039;</p><p>With same day delivery service in London and New York, and express delivery to all other destinations, our menfolk are in for a total stylistic treat...</p></p><p><p>Get set to discover the web&#039;s hottest new fashion destination &ndash; has finally arrived!<br><br>The self-professed &#039;most fashionable fashion outlet,&#039; the site comes from the team behind , and is set to transform designer sale shopping online in the same way that N-a-P led the way with internet fashion. </p><p></p><p>Speaking to the Sunday Times, Net-a-Porter founder Natalie Massenet described the venture as &#039;a silver lining of the recession. Women have got used to discounts. Sale shopping can be grubby but this will be quite chic.&#039;<br><br>She added, &#039;We are very excited about this new brand which will have its own unique offering. It&#039;s time to give the sale customer a place she can call her own.&#039;<br><br>Just hours after launch, and we&#039;re well and truly hooked here on the desk! With a huge range of labels &ndash; think Luella, Marc Jacobs, Chlo&eacute;, Vivienne Westwood and Stella McCartney &ndash; and prices slashed by up to 80%. <br><br>Our favourite buys? We&#039;re lusting after the Vera Wang lavender shift dress, reduced from &pound;342.55, to &pound;68.51 or then there is the Burberry bamboo dress, with 70% off down to &pound;86.70. I could go on, and on&hellip; <br><br>To start your Outnet bargain hunting, .</p><p></p><p><br><br><br></p></p><p>Scooping both the George at Asda Gold Award and the Womenswear Award at Graduate Fashion Week, as well as industry support and mentoring, Chloe Jones from Bath Spa University is a name you need to know. <br><br>We caught up with her to discuss fashion, inspiration and what to do with her &pound;20,000 prize. <br><br>What was the inspiration behind your collection?<br><br>It started with my love for gothic and cathedral architecture, it&#039;s so atmospheric. From here I decided to explore the subject in more detail and draw on other religious imagery. I was looking a lot at stained glass windows and had the idea of bringing the ethereal figures within them to life in the modern day. <br><br>What was on your moodboard? <br><br>Stunning vaulted ceilings, stained glass windows, monks, friars, archangels. It was all very raw and emotive. <br><br>Do you sketch your ideas? <br><br>Yes, to start with I do like to sketch my ideas alongside my research to get an idea of where the collection is going. But it&#039;s when you start to mock up the ideas in 3-D that most of the development happens and you can see the shapes and silhouettes evolve. That&#039;s the exciting part! <br><br>How did it feel to see your finished collection on the catwalk? <br><br>It&#039;s very rewarding. Of course it&#039;s quite daunting presenting your work to the public having put your heart and soul into it, and you are never really able to step back and enjoy it properly! But I was so lucky that it was received so well. <br><br>Talk me through the materials and fabrics you used?<br><br>I used typical sweatshirt jerseys alongside silks. I wanted to give the hoodies a couture quality, so they are hand embroidered with metallic leaves and hand beaded and embellished. They are worn with full length, voluminous silk dresses to contrast with a more ethereal quality. <br><br>Do you have a favourite piece? <br><br>Possibly the cropped hoodie - this is the first piece I designed and worked on, and where the rest of the collection really stemmed from. It&#039;s very heavily embroidered and embellished across the shoulders, almost wing-like. I think it really represents what the collection is about. <br><br>Were there many late nights and early mornings? <br><br>Everything was done by hand, so it took forever. I think that&#039;s the nature of the industry anyway, and when you are so engrossed in your work you want to put that time and effort in. <br><br>Tell me what was going through your mind when your name was announced and you were called up on stage? <br><br>It was incredibly surreal. I have a vague recollection of my course mates all jumping up and screaming, but apart from that it was all a bit of a blur! I was completed stunned - I was so chuffed just to be able to show my collection at GFW, so to win both the Womenswear Award and the Gold Award was incredible. <br><br>What do you plan to do with your &pound;20,000 prize money? <br><br>I think it&#039;s just the most amazing support to enter the industry with. It means that whatever opportunities come my way, I am now able to pursue which is just invaluable for a graduate. <br><br>Who would you like to see wearing your collection?<br><br>Somebody youthful who encompasses both the strong, powerful and urban qualities of the sportswear, and the ethereal, vulnerable element of the collection. <br><br>Whose style do you admire?<br><br>I have always admired Sarah Jessica Parker. She can look incredibly classic, but also be playful and have fun with fashion. Whatever look she goes for, I think she does it well and always looks incredibly stylish. <br><br>Do you have a favourite designer?<br><br>I admire different people, different seasons. I really love all sorts whether it&#039;s the stunning minimalism of , the richness of or the heritage of . Generally, I love quite classic design but with the little details and touches that make a garment extraordinary and exciting. <br><br>What&#039;s next for you? <br><br>It&#039;s all very overwhelming at the moment and the interest has been amazing. There are lots of opportunities arising from GFW, so we will have to see. I&#039;m very excited to get into the industry. <br><br>Where do you see yourself in five years time? <br><br>Who knows! Engrossed in work and hopefully contributing to this amazing industry in one way or another. I&#039;m open to all opportunities and very excited about the future. <br><br><br><br><br><br><br></p><p>Despite demands for more women on the top tables of big businesses, only one in ten find themselves in executive appointments. <br><br>While Burberry chief Angela Ahrendts is one of three women on the company&#039;s eight-person board, a report by says many women are being appointed to non-executive positions rather than being given the chance to take on more important roles. <br><br>Carol Arrowsmith, partner in executive compensation at Deloitte, says the fact that nine out of 10 of the most important boardroom roles have gone to men in the same year the government put gender diversity at the top of their agenda is clearly not good.<br><br>&#039;This is an improvement on the overall number of executive positions held by women, which stands at one in 20 but it is not enough.&#039;<br><br>Women account for 30 per cent of non-executive appointments in the FTSE 350 and only 16 per cent of FTSE 100 board positions.<br><br>But Lord Davies of Abersoch, who led an inquiry in to male dominance in British boardrooms, says companies should aim for their boards to be 25 per cent female by 2015.<br><br><br><br><br><br></p><p>Notice to our readers&hellip;</p><p>We'd like to let you know that this site uses cookies. Without them you may find this site does not work properly and many features may be unavailable. More information on what cookies are and the types of cookies we use can be found </p><p> IS ENGAGED to Irina Lazareanu, the model who starred in &#039;s Topshop campaign. Canadian Lazareanu was hand-picked by Moss for her high-street range ads, after she had also used her for a shoot whilst guest editing French Vogue in 2005.<br>
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<br>ACCESSORY DESIGNER: Anya Hindmarch, Rupert Sanderson, Tom Binns</p><p><p>The was celebrated in suitable style last night, with an A-list array of guests and the cr&egrave;me de la cr&egrave;me of the UK design scene.</p><p>Leading the celebrity contingency was , who flew the flag for her eponymous label in a floor-skimming black gown with bejeweled shoulders. Victoria cut a strikingly similar figure to , who also opted for a long black dress with sweeping train, albeit her version was sheer and teamed with a signature little black blazer.</p><p></p><p>But Moss wasn&#039;t just there to strike a pose: the fashionista was awarded the London 25 Award, a new accolade voted for by the public. She was presented with her gong by Vivienne Westwood and told the crowds, &#039;Wow! Lila is going to love this!&#039;</p><p>The modeling world provided a slew of familiar faces, including supers Eva Herzigova, , , , Natalia Vodianova and , but it was a newcomer who scooped the covetable Model of the Year award - . </p><p>The rock offspring, who fronted this year&#039;s campaign for Hudson Jeans, took the time to thank her mother, Jerry Hall, calling the veteran beauty, &#039;(my) biggest inspiration.&#039;</p><p>Burberry Chief Creative Officer Christopher Bailey scooped the much-coveted Designer of the Year award following the label&#039;s triumphant return to London Fashion Week in September, while the fashion house was also named Designer Brand of the Year.</p><p>Topping off a year in the spotlight, and following her star turn in documentary The September Issue, Grace Coddington was awarded the Isabella Blow Award for Fashion Creator.&#x2028;&#x2028;</p><p>Representing the country&#039;s best new talent, Holly Fulton and Peter Pilotto won the Swarovski&#039;s Emerging Talent Awards, while established talent was recognised too - John Galliano was honoured with the Outstanding Achievement in Fashion Design award.</p><p></p></p><p><p>Today, the British Fashion Council has unveiled the shortlist for the 2008 British Fashion Awards.</p><p>Supported by Swarovski, the ceremony will take place on 25 November and is set to be a glittering affair, packed with the industry&#039;s leading lights.</p><p>&#039;The Awards celebrate the extraordinary talent within the British fashion industry as highlighted in this year&#x2019;s nominees list,&#039; Hilary<br>
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by miu miu shoes (2013-10-06 13:41) 

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<p>&nbsp;</p>Getty Images <p>You may have noticed that Kim Kardashian&rsquo;s wardrobe &ndash; normally tight, bright and more than slightly trashy &ndash; has been improving of late. Like it or not, the credit seems to belong to her new boyfriend, Kanye West.</p>our editor recommendsKim Kardashian Makes Cameo in New Kanye West Clip (Video)Kim Kardashian Fashion to Invade Britain; Phase 1 of Global Domination (Poll)Kim Kardashian Flaunts Kanye West-Approved Assets in Swimsuit Photo
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<br>It&#039;s not just about the fashion though. Goodwin is currently filming He&#039;s Just Not That Into You, which features a star packed cast including Jennifer Aniston, Scarlett Johanson, Drew Barrymore and Ben Affleck.</p><p>Is already Lily Cooper? Well, her luggage certainly seems to think so! <br><br>The pop starlet touched down in LA and immediately grabbed the fashion pack&#039;s attention with her collection of designer bags - a stripy Prada tote and large logo-adorned Louis Vuitton Pegase case - but it was the aforementioned logo that&#039;s really got people talking....<br><br>Perhaps in an act of forward-planning, the starlet has already ditched her maiden name when it comes to her accessories, personalising her luggage instead with L.R.C. - standing for Lily Rose Cooper.<br><br>Something tells us that the songstress hasn&#039;t managed to pull of a secret wedding - the for the June nuptials was leaked just last week - but is merely ensuring she won&#039;t have to upgrade her holiday suitcase post wedding.<br><br><br><br>Despite announcing her retirement from the music world, Lily is reportedly in Los Angeles to work on the score for a musical version of Bridget Jones&#039;s Diary. She was spotted with an itinerary prepared by Working Title Films, the company behind the stage adaptation. <br><br><br><br><br></p><p>She&rsquo;s always had an enviable athletic physique, but now has showed off what tip-top shape she&rsquo;s truly in with a sporty new shoot in V magazine where she dresses up as a boxer.<br><br>The American Idol judge can be seen striking a series of boxing poses in a 12-page spread, shot by superstar photographer Mario Testino, for the special sports issue of the style title.<br><br>In some images J.Lo wears a cropped Emporio Armani vest top, padded boxing gloves and a full-on men&rsquo;s groin protector, which creates a tough look that were not used to seeing from the glamorous star.<br><br><br><br>In another series of black and white shots the actress can be seen snarling at the camera wearing nothing but a pair of white boxing gloves. Greased back hair and a strong dark brow complete the androgynous look.<br><br>Elsewhere in the shoot, styled by former magazine editor Carine Roitfeld, J.Lo mixes the likes of an embellished Prada jacket, a bejewelled bodysuit by Dolce &amp; Gabbana and an edgy Alexander Wang leather jacket with more sportswear.<br><br>The pictures, which hit newsstands with the magazine next week, are a stark contrast to her usually glamorous style, most recently seen at last weekend&rsquo;s where she dazzled in a figure-hugging striped gown by Zuhair Murad.<br><br>Visit the to see the complete shoot. <br><br>What do you think of J.Lo&rsquo;s boxing shoot? Do you like the pictures? Do you not? Tell us in the comments box below&hellip; <br><br><br><br><br><br><br></p><p>Notice to our readers&hellip;</p><p>We'd like to let you know that this site uses cookies. Without them you may find this site does not work properly and many features may be unavailable. More information on what cookies are and the types of cookies we use can be found </p><p> tied the knot to fianc&eacute; John Krasinski in a private ceremony at the Villa d&#039;Este in Como, Italy, over the weekend. <p></p><p>Following the recent Hollywood trend for super-secret nuptials, the pair snuck off for a simple romantic ceremony on the Italian coast, a spokesman confirmed to American magazine, People. </p><p>The loved-up couple are said to have celebrated their nuptials surrounded by close friends and family, with George Clooney and Elisabetta Canalis reportedly among the guests at the simple outdoor ceremony. </p><p>In fact, it&rsquo;s rumoured the newlyweds even stayed with Mr Clooney at his luxurious Italian pad in the run up to their big day. </p><p>The gorgeous chose a beautiful custom-made cream chiffon sweetheart Marchesa gown to walk down the aisle, complete with draped detail and delicate embroidery. </p><p>Andhubby-to-be sealed the deal with a whopping platinum three-carat Neil Lane sparkler.</p><p></p><p>It&#039;s no wonder the pair - who began dating in 2008, and were engaged last August - were all smiles as they jetted out of LAX airport just last week. <br></p><p>Congrats to the happy couple! </p><p></p><p></p><p></p></p><p><p>British It-model, Jourdan Dunn, has announced that she is five-and-a-half months pregnant with her first child. <br><br>The 19-year-old, who was famously discovered while shopping in Primark, will miss September&#039;s stint of fashion weeks, as she and her boyfriend prepare for the birth their baby in December. <br><br>A spokesperson for her modelling agency, Storm, commented: &#039;Jourdan is delighted and really excited. She&#039;s had lots of lovely personal messages of support from all her friends in the fashion industry and it&#039;s great news. We wish her all the best.&#039;<br><br>Dunn was crowned Model of the Year at last year&#039;s British Fashion Awards, and has picked up a string of prestigious campaigns, from Topshop to Benetton and Gap. <br><br>She has also modelled in numerous catwalk shows, and was the first black model since Naomi Campbell to walk in the Prada show for 10 years. <br><br>The model has confirmed that she will return to the fashion industry following the birth. </p></p><p> scored a series of style hits over the , trotting out not one, not two, but three fabulous frocks. <p></p><p>While we have been (very) excited about the Jubilee celebrations, we&#039;re not ashamed to admit one of the things we were most looking forward to was &#039;s style choices. </p><p>And, as usual, the fashion fabulous did not disappoint.</p><p>On Sunday, wowed in a positively scene-stealing scarlet , complete with demure long sleeves and a pretty pleated skirt. </p><p>The dress, from the label&#039;s Pre-Fall 2011 collection, comes with an eye-watering &pound;1,195 price tag, but had reportedly sold out online by the end of the day.</p><p>While some said red hot number, topped off with a matching Lock and Co. hat, a tartan scarf (in case it got too breezy) and her favourite nude L.K. Bennett Sledge nude heels, was a little too attention grabbing for the Queen&#039;s big day, we thought she got her styling spot on for the occasion. </p><p>Another day, another event, this time the outside Buckingham Palace - and for the first time over the weekend, turned to the high street for her look of choice. </p><p>For her evening out, the choice a pretty, &pound;150 silk 3/4-sleeved Bella dress from fashion emporium Whistles (last season&#039;s no less) which she teamed with a cosy blazer. </p><p>Saving what was, arguably, her best look until last, on , Kate opted for a delicate blush lace dress for the Service of Thanksgiving and Jubilee procession.</p><p>The delicate, custom-made creation, complete with ribbon sash and beautiful boat neckline emphasised tiny waist, while her Jane Taylor-designed hat and pretty Prada clutch set off the look to perfection. <br></p><p>So there you have it: one stylish in three gorgeous dresses - but which look do YOU think was best?</p><p>What did you think of &#039;s Jubilee weekend style? Which dress did you love best? Let us know in the comments box below&hellip; </p><p></p><p></p></p><p>With the Olympics just days away, has got into the spirit of things by visiting an exhibition of photographs of the London 2012 stars at the National Portrait Gallery.<br><br>Road To 2012: Aiming High opens to the public later today but the was treated to a sneak preview in London this morning. <br><br>Sticking to the Olympics theme, wore an electric blue dress by Stella McCartney, who has also designed the Team GB uniforms for London 2012. <br><br> topped off her look with a statement gold hoop necklace and a pair of Prada heels. <br><br>The Duchess is patron of the National Portrait Gallery and her first solo public engagement, sans Prince William, was there back in February.<p>She also has a formal role with the Olympics as an ambassador for Team GB and ParalympicsGB.</p><p>On Thursday, July 26 and Prince William will receive the Olympic torch at Buckingham Palace as the famous flame makes its way to its final destination in Stratford. <br></p><p>What do you think of &#039;s electric blue Stella McCartney dress? Will you be rushing out to buy a similar statement necklace? Let us know your thoughts on &#039;s look below.<br></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><br></p><p>IT MIGHT ONCE have seemed a little stuffy, but Who&#039;s Who - the directory of everyone who matters - has been given a glamorous new make-over.<br>
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<p>Whose dress do you like the best: Kristen, Kirsten or Milla?</p>Getty ImagesAngelina Jolie and Tilda Swinton <p>We have not been sure if Angelina Jolie would be going to Cannes to attend with her fiance Brad Pitt, who has a film there, and no one&#39;s been able to confirm. But today we learned from one fashion designer -- name to remain anonymous -- that Jolie has been assembling her Cannes wardrobe for the big march down the Croissette to the Grand Palais. That&#39;s right -- clothes are making their way to her in all kinds of ways.</p>our editor recommendsAnja Rubik Gives Angelina Jolie's Right Leg a Run For Its Money on Met Gala Carpet (Poll)Imelda Staunton, Miranda Richardson Joining Angelina Jolie in 'Maleficent' (Exclusive) <p>Let&#39;s just hope she wears some amazing Versace, as she did to the Golden Globes, in white or a color, and skips a lot of the black she usually favors. We probably won&#39;t see a lot of Angelina, as she herself has no films there. But we&#39;ll settle for a couple of sightings.</p>
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<p>What Do You Think of Madonna's Globes Gown?</p>Kevin Winter/Getty Images <p>Continuing in the vein of the critically acclaimed, yet low rated, Starz freshman series, Boss, The Hollywood Foreign Press Association gave its star, Kelsey Grammer, this year&rsquo;s best performance by an actor in a drama series award.</p>our editor recommendsGolden Globes 2012: The Winners' ReactionsGolden Globes Fashion: Charlize Theron, Michelle Williams Heat Up a '20s Head Band Trend (Poll)Golden Globes Fashion: Zooey Deschanel Goes Retro '60s Glam In Sparkly Green Prada Gown <p>PHOTOS: Golden Globes 2012 -- The Red Carpet Arrivals</p>
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